contents for azure miles records

the music of michael eric robinson longhi


13 february 2025


world peace and a clean planet namely air, water, earth, fire (intelligence in humans, animals, fish and insects) and akasha which is sanskrit for space meaning the spatial amount of the five elements we share together with the animals, fish and insects.


what's new ~

listen ~

about michael ~

about the meruvina ~

stream/buy albums ~

scores ~

piano improvisation series ~

writings about music ~

lectures ~

photos ~

interviews, articles, reviews & comments

azure miles records film lover michael eric robinson longhi ~

contact ~

the right column below lists the albums chronologically

the left column below presents additional pertinent links


ten questions with michael robinson

dublab shows

wikipedia page

baker's dictionary of musicians








jeweled saddle new 2024 meruvina release!


2023 piano improvisation albums:

nine solo piano improvisation albums

four piano and tabla duet improvisation albums with anindo chatterjee


new music usa library

youtube videos

new music world feature


interviews with indian masters

lee konitz interview: miracle of improvising

meruvina: composition and performance coalesce


leonard altman: music rescuer


with three teachers: steve reich, lee konitz and zakir hussain

2022 meruvina albums:

jasmine perfume

green garnets


gregorian winter

eight piano and drums duet improvisation albums with eliot zigmund

six solo piano improvisation albums

four solo piano improvisation albums

three solo piano improvisation albums



spotlight 13: Including Michael Robinson  

composing with ragas and technology

with three teachers: steve reich, lee konitz and zakir hussain

"15" Questions - Michael Robinson About Improvisation

2021 meruvina albums:

a parrot sipping tea

garlanded in wistaria

taffeta patterns

six solo piano improvisation albums

three solo piano improvisation albums

charukeshi in lahaina: an evening with george harrison  

2020 meruvina albums:


22 artists discography with michael robinson the waters' child
  queen of space
16 composers list with michael robinson  
  2019 meruvina albums:
fifteen questions: michael robinson spirit lady
  dazzling darkness
finding nazir: the precious generosity of nazir ali jairazbhoy tunis phantom
  three solo piano improvisation albums
decoding a bacchus from bonn and a visionary from varanasi: ludwig van beethoven, ravi shankar and harihar rao  
  2018 meruvina albums:
sea beatles ocean avenue
gift of a lifetime from earl wild mango-bird
  mystic toy (solo piano improvisation album)

simply put


meet michael Robinson

  2017 meruvina albums:
  lilac dawn
beginning composition: john cage viridian seas
opposing the absence of alternatives 2016 meruvina album: celestial crocodile and honu morning
sea changes 2015 meruvina albums:
  moonrise and rain-mist
  rajasthani spring
above the world: manhattan with lee  
cosmic rituals interview 2014 meruvina albums:
pointers becoming an appreciation the spirit pool
  hummingbird canyon
mozart and mockingbirds 2013 meruvina albums:
  lucknow shimmer
you surrender yourself lahaina lanterns
joe nails it 2012 meruvina albums:
wellspring of joy: rollan masciarelli the fiddler of dooney
  emerald anklets
meeting manzarek ruby soul
priceless musical gems  

land of pancakes: walking miracle mile


meet michael robinson: composer & recording artist

2011 meruvina albums:
  amethyst labyrinth
  carnelian compass
conflagrating rag and tal: jackie mclean and jack dejohnette peridot pond
transcendental consolidation: the music of stan getz onyx sands
into a newborn day: words inspiring jazz  
  twenty 2010 meruvina albums!
momentous phrase moment  
a stranger nobody sees  
genesis of a musical form 2005-2009 meruvina albums:
  darbari kanada
i do, too todi
deep bebop roots natabhairavi
fence sounds yaman
  nat narayan
how high the moon: eliot zigmund and bill evans vachaspati
setting sail shankara
syntactical acclimatization  
  2003 meruvina albums:
natural music dhani ~
red coffee cup mian ki malhar
wisdom from the beatles  
  2002 meruvina albums:
hear my thoughts charukeshi
divine influence: anindo chatterjee gangadhara
overcoming: don shirley puriya dhanashri
advocating ad: ad reinhardt 2001 meruvina albums:
over chicken soup bhimpalasi
thoughts so sublime 2000 meruvina albums:
vision-mathematical music kaunsi kanada
lips and music wed kirvani ~
human counterpoint: the music of nba basketball patdeep, jait and megh
melody of rhythm madhmad sarang
promised land dark yellow
  night of fire
breakfast with frank polynesian woman
spring and spring snow and wood ~
a musical hypothesis purple and brown
  the lotus girl
triad and triads the abode of joy
the greatest composer the abode of snow
phantom puppet poetry the jewel treasure of the ocean
  sea of france
what is a raga? inspiration point
light the night: laura nyro
patelson's crossroads 1999 meruvina albums:
unforgettable epiphany: charlie parker astral palace
ushering at carnegie hall bhoop
three suns indian ocean
  robinson gardens
myself and two contemporaries north africa
from sea of france to morning star photosynthesis
546 page & 59,329 note music odyssey the forest
a trance of relaxation 1998 meruvina albums:
setting the bar high sagarmatha
FAQ nagamani
  luminous realms
genie genre lunar mansions
on losing a piano teacher snow leopard meadow
are composer's brave? monsoon clouds
standards proving to be a jazz phoenix the listening earth
not like before: michael robinson's jazz without borders @ all about jazz 1997 meruvina albums:
  chinese legend

benny and bird


meet michael robinson of azure miles records in fairfax

indian jasmine
most in tune 1996 meruvina albums:
trane's trains rainbow thunder
  adorned with pearl
sonny stitt influencing john coltrane
  1995 meruvina albums:
returning to lester young hamoa
riding on his wings: the beatitude of barney bragin touch a color
for joel and his teacher  
american alap from hoboken, hamlet and crown heights 1994 meruvina album:
in the booth with phil schaap fire monkey
incarnation of stockhausen zodiac timbre  
frank sinatra reveals the secret of music 1991 meruvina album:
  trembling flowers
  meruvina albums from 1988-1994:
  twenty-one albums!
  meruvina albums from 1984-1989:
  twenty-three albums!


© 1997-2024 Azure Miles Records