Michael Erick Robinovitza Longhi (Michael Robinson)
Drawing upon my experience as composer, performer and musicologist, I have been a lecturer at UCLA, Bard College, and California State University. Leading figures in the genres listed below have kindly expressed admiration for my thoughts and ideas, including concepts and insights considered original. If you wish to inquire about having me as a guest lecturer please use this email address: timevina (at) gmail (dot) com
Music subjects of expertise include: music for meruvina music composition jazz Indian classical music computer music electronic music Western classical avant garde rock pop folk A Letter of Recommendation by Rollan Masciarelli I must tell you about one of the world's preeminent electronic composers, Michael Robinson [Michael Erick Robinovitza Longhi]. His computer-generated music simply transcends the medium on which it is produced, creating the most subtle and exquisite art/sound. Over the years, Mr. Robinson has recorded forty-two CDs of his computer-generated compositions. Keyboard and the Los Angeles Times, and many other critics, have all favorably reviewed his elegant compositions, some were so captivated as to the point of becoming effusive in their enthusiasm for this art form. Doubtlessly, Robinson's computer music and some of the forms within which it is expressed points to the future of music in the 21st century. Some listeners loosely classify it as World Music. If your music department is interested in arranging for Mr. Robinson to present either a concert or a seminar or both, contact him at timevina (at) gmail (dot) com. Should Mr. Robinson concertize at your school, I am virtually certain that your students would not only be exposed to an absolutely new musical expression, an innovative musical vocabulary, and an aesthetically satisfying event, but also would expand their musical ken. Rollan Masciarelli, (band/orchestra director) retired Wantagh High School