Azure Miles Records Piano Improvisation Series

Piano Improvisations by Michael Erick Rabinovitza Longhi

The Azure Miles Records Piano Improvisation Series represents an unexpected yet welome development. While my compositions and performances for meruvina are my primary music, these piano improvisations show another side of me.

When I first learned how Bill Evans refused to divulge his pianistic secrets to another player because he feared this would deprive that person of the enormously pleasurable (and perilous!) experience of developing a personal approach, I thought it was an excuse, and Bill was being miserly. Now, that impression has changed drastically. All it really takes is to actually spend consistent time playing the piano, together with nurturing one's musical spirit and knowledge through listening to and studying music with creative substance, to see that Evans was not joking. Most recently, the influence of Lennie Tristano, the teacher of my primary jazz teacher, Lee Konitz, arose spontaneously without any conscious premeditation.

Jocelyn, in her nineties, and owning an Steinway grand over a hundred years old, is the person who first asked me to play standards for her once a week, a custom that began my pianistic explorations, including her most kind encouragement. I've only played standards for her, this being her favorite music. Sometimes she sings along and often taps.

While meruvina composition and performance remains my primary musical avenue, improvising on the piano is engaging, too. Now, for the first time since childhood and teenage years, I actually have a keyboard at home.

Over Chicken Soup details some of my earlier piano playing. The first two paragraphs here are taken from Thank You Bill and Jocelyn.

- Michael Erick Robinovitza Longhi, Los Angeles


© 2019-2022 Michael Robinson All rights reserved


Above the World (2023)

Azure Miles Records Piano Improvisation Series 39


Summer Skies (2023)

Azure Miles Records Piano Improvisation Series 40


Passion Eyes (2023)

Azure Miles Records Piano Improvisation Series 41


April Bright (2023)

Azure Miles Records Piano Improvisation Series 42


Summer Kisses (2023)

Azure Miles Records Piano Improvisation Series 43


Across The Sands (2023)

Azure Miles Records Piano Improvisation Series 44


Dark Is the Sky (2023)

Azure Miles Records Piano Improvisation Series 45


A Thousand Things (2023)

Azure Miles Records Piano Improvisation Series 46


Soul To Soul (2023)

Azure Miles Records Piano Improvisation Series 47


Found Joy (2023)

Duet recording with Anindo Chatterjee

Azure Miles Records Piano Improvisation Series 35


Those Sighs (2023)

Duet recording with Anindo Chatterjee

Azure Miles Records Piano Improvisation Series 36


Throng My Memory (2023)

Duet recording with Anindo Chatterjee

Azure Miles Records Piano Improvisation Series 37


Begin (2023)

Duet recording with Anindo Chatterjee

Azure Miles Records Piano Improvisation Series 38


A Lark Somewhere (2022)

Duet recording with Eliot Zigmund

Azure Miles Records Piano Improvisation Series 27


What Magic (2022)

Duet recording with Eliot Zigmund

Azure Miles Records Piano Improvisation Series 28


Runs To Sea (2022)

Duet recording with Eliot Zigmund

Azure Miles Records Piano Improvisation Series 29


Earth and Sky (2022)

Duet recording with Eliot Zigmund

Azure Miles Records Piano Improvisation Series 30


Each Caress (2022)

Duet recording with Eliot Zigmund

Azure Miles Records Piano Improvisation Series 31


A Dream or Two (2022)

Duet recording with Eliot Zigmund

Azure Miles Records Piano Improvisation Series 32


I Wouldn't Mind At All (2022)

Duet recording with Eliot Zigmund

Azure Miles Records Piano Improvisation Series 33


Decidedly Blue (2022)

Duet recording with Eliot Zigmund

Azure Miles Records Piano Improvisation Series 34


Joy Unknown (2022)

Azure Miles Records Piano Improvisation Series 21


Another World (2022)

Azure Miles Records Piano Improvisation Series 22


Color of Your Dream (2022)

Azure Miles Records Piano Improvisation Series 23


Gazing Down (2022) new release!

Azure Miles Records Piano Improvisation Series 24


Distant Bell (2022)

Azure Miles Records Piano Improvisation Series 25


Chance To Say (2022)

Azure Miles Records Piano Improvisation Series 26


In My Tree (2022)

Azure Miles Records Piano Improvisation Series 17


Past My Bed (2022)

Azure Miles Records Piano Improvisation Series 18


Nobody Told You (2022)

Azure Miles Records Piano Improvisation Series 19


June Night (2022)

Azure Miles Records Piano Improvisation Series 20


Wandered Around (2022)

Azure Miles Records Piano Improvisation Series 14


Eventide (2022)

Azure Miles Records Piano Improvisation Series 15


Blossoms Waiting (2022)

Azure Miles Records Piano Improvisation Series 16


Not Like Before (2021)

Azure Miles Records Piano Improvisation Series 08


Somebody Whisper (2021)

Azure Miles Records Piano Improvisation Series 09


Wonderful Schemes (2021)

Azure Miles Records Piano Improvisation Series 10


For A Whirl (2021)

Azure Miles Records Piano Improvisation Series 11


The City Sleeps (2021)

Azure Miles Records Piano Improvisation Series 12


Bounce the Moon (2021)

Azure Miles Records Piano Improvisation Series 13


Turning Rain (2021)

Azure Miles Records Piano Improvisation Series 07


Orion's Hour (2021)

Azure Miles Records Piano Improvisation Series 06


Stargirl (2021)

Azure Miles Records Piano Improvisation Series 05


Distanced (2019)

Azure Miles Records Piano Improvisation Series 04


Weaver's Loom (2019)

Azure Miles Records Piano Improvisation Series 03


Seventh Avenue (2019)

Azure Miles Records Piano Improvisation Series 02


Mystic Toy (2018)

Azure Miles Records Piano Improvisation Series 01


Here are related writings:


"Robinson continues to invent new forms of musical expression" (All About Jazz, April 2023)


Not Like Before: Michael Robinson's Jazz Without Borders (All About Jazz, March 2023)


"Robinson and Zigmund demonstrate impeccable synergy... " (All About Jazz, January 2023)


"...Robinson rolls out soulful refrains that build and intricate improvisation." (All About Jazz, June 2022)


"...Robinson operates on the threshold of fluidity and structure..." (All About Jazz, January 2022)


"A mix of originals and radically reimagined standards..." (All About Jazz, July 2021)


"Maria, as never heard before. Michael Robinson's cool raga-riff on Lenny's hit tune." (Norman Lebrecht)


Thank You Bill and Jocelyn


On Losing A Piano Teacher


Standards Proving To Be A Jazz Phoenix


Prismatizing Standards with Jazz and Raga Amalgams, Polymodality and Equal Temperament Tuning


Gatra Vina Presaging Pianoforte


Riding Planets and Star Clusters


Jazz Beginnings Anew


Piano Saptaks and Chakras


Piano Like Ocean Tide Pool


Gathering Jazz Spirits With A Lapis Lazuli Ganesh


Ticket To Improvise


Not Like Before: Michael Robinson's Jazz Without Borders

@ All About Jazz


Approaching What May Be Daunting