Writings about Music

All Night Long

John Lennon and Ringo Starr

I was hearing Beatles songs all NIGHT long.

Michael: I wasn't playing them that loud.

The same songs over and over.

Michael: Blame JOHN, PAUL, GEORGE and RINGO.

They're not here.

Michael: They're H E R E, T H E R E and E V E R Y W H E R E.


- Michael Erick Robinovitza Longhi (Michael Robinson), May and O C T O B E R 2024

Los Angeles


© 2024 Michael Robinson All rights reserved


Michael Erick Robinovitza Longhi (Michael Robinson) is a Los Angeles-based composer, programmer, pianist and musicologist. His 200 albums include 153 albums for meruvina and 47 albums of piano improvisations. Robinson has been a lecturer at UCLA, Bard College and California State University Long Beach and Dominguez Hills.