Primary Layers

Impressions of The Waters' Child

Congratulations! Wonderful recording. I woke-up and was having a cup of Java and happened onto your email. I listened and wow.

What struck me was the primary layers: the continuous prayer-like chant in the background, serving as base line, pulled my meditative side in and then the vibrant and somewhat chaotic instrumentation layer in the forefront engaged me on a different level.  

Inspired by your music, I came away with a realization: in this chaos we are experiencing now [pandemic], in order to survive part of us (higher self) must be relaxed, aware and accepting in a more spiritual way (enlightened) and allow the outside world play out its drama. The higher self relaxed and the conscious mind relaxed maneuvering the mind field of the moments reality.

Thank you for that message!

- Vincent Guarino, June 2020, Pacific Pallisades